Study of profile of rodenticide poisoning in a tertiary care hospital

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Dr.Aravind C.L
Dr. Rahul SR
Dr. Manjunath F.V
Dr. Sneha .R


Background: Rodenticide poisoning is a major cause of poisoning-related deaths in our country, largely due to the lack of a specific antidote. This underscores the need for a thorough study of its clinical spectrum and associated mortality. Early identification of rodenticide compounds and prompt management of complications are crucial to reducing mortality and improving patient outcomes.

Objectives: Evaluate the clinical profile and clinical outcomes of patients admitted for rodenticide poisoning in McGann tertiary care hospital’s general medicine department.

Methods: Methods: A total of 210 cases of rodenticide poisoning admitted to McGann Tertiary Care Hospital over a 12-month period (January 2021 to December 2021) were included in the study based on specified inclusion and exclusion criteria. For each patient, medical history and clinical features were recorded, followed by a thorough physical examination and relevant investigations. Data were systematically collected using a structured proforma after obtaining informed consent from the patients. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS software to assess the findings.

Results: In our study, majority (48.10%) of the study participants were in the age group 21-30 years. Most common rodenticide used was Yellow phosphorous (80%), followed by zinc phosphide (15.2%). Zinc phosphide constitutes 15.2% of cases with a high mortality of 25%.

Yellow Phosphorus poisoning has a mortality of 9.5%. Bromadiolone poisoning cases had no deaths. We observed mortality increased with delay in time to presentation after ingestion and with increase in the amount of substance consumed.                                          

Conclusion: The study highlights the burden of rodenticide poisoning mortality and need to emphasize on early intervention, improving public awareness regarding their lethality and monitoring of sales and usage of rodenticides to avoid indiscriminate use and poisoning.

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