Privacy Statement

Protection of Information

 We employ rigorous measures to secure all data collected from you on our websites, ensuring defense against unauthorized access by external parties. Our dedication to preserving your privacy is emphasized by the careful utilization of security technologies and physical safeguards.

Website Usage Information

As you use our websites, your interactions with individual pages are meticulously monitored and documented within web server log files, commonly known as "Log Data." International Medicine utilizes this Log Data for statistical analysis, to comprehend usage patterns of the websites, and to improve the overall structure and presentation of content. The range of usage data we collect, facilitated by HTTP Cookies, encompasses referring URLs, characteristics of your browser and device, IP address, operating system, and the chronological details of your website visits.

Third-Party Services and Your Data

Through its website, International Medicine may incorporate third-party services such as article recommendations, social login, social sharing, and banners linked to external sites. The data gathered by International Medicine during your engagement with these third-party services adheres to the guidelines outlined in this Privacy Policy. Conversely, data collected by the operators of these third-party services will be subject to their own privacy protocols.

Use of Google Analytics for Website Insights

To gain insights into visitor behavior on our platforms, we may utilize Google Analytics. This tool enables us to gather information about site usage, aiding in the creation of reports and the gradual enhancement of our websites. The collected data remains anonymous and includes metrics such as visitor counts, referral sources, and pages viewed during a site visit.

User Accounts, Registration, and Personalized Services

Access to personalized services requires the creation of a user account on our websites. During this registration process, we will request specific personal details, including but not limited to your name, valid email address, affiliation, postal address, phone number, password, academic qualifications, institutional role, and areas of research interest. Some of this information is essential for the smooth setup of your user account, enabling your access to the full range of International Medicine services. The information you provide may be used by International Medicine to fulfill contractual obligations, such as the publication of your article. Additionally, we may internally utilize this information for purposes like business assessment, responding to inquiries or comments, targeted marketing initiatives, or the detection and prevention of fraudulent activities, claims, or other liabilities.

Communication and Email Correspondence

International Medicine may initiate communication via email to inform you about content that might interest you, including updates about new services, products, publications, and other promotional materials. If your personal information was provided by a third party, International Medicine may use it in a manner similar to the approach described above. You have the option to opt out of receiving such emails by unsubscribing.

Global Transfer of Personal Data

 It's important to highlight that International Medicine is committed to never sharing your personal information with any third party. Subscribers will exclusively receive further communications and announcements through official International Medicine email. Strong measures are taken to ensure the continued protection of your personal information, regardless of where it is stored or processed. 

You’re Rights

 As a registered user, you have the right to access your account at any time to make corrections or updates. In line with applicable data privacy laws, you have the right to request details about the information processed or held by International Medicine regarding you. Upon request, we will provide you with a copy of all personal data we have. If you deactivate your account, your personal information will be deleted upon your request. However, please note that certain personal data may be retained for a specified period to fulfill our legal obligations and address potential disputes.

Contact Us

Editor office

The International Medicine (Journal of Medicine & Surgery)
