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Dr Pooja Arora
Dr Ritesh Gupta
Dr Deepak Arora
Dr Shuchi Gupta
Dr shinu singla


 Introduction: The residual ridge is reduced after tooth loss or tooth extraction and is the major obstruction in fabrication of complete denture and implant supported prosthesis. In the formation of complete denture, many clinicians usually faces problems with resorbed mandibular ridges or with larger bony bases. It is mainly the presence of high muscle attachment and hypertrophic soft tissue which reduces the usable areas for retention of mandibular denture. Vestibuloplasty involves surgical procedure for reallocation of mucosa and muscle attachment thereby increasing the vestibular depth.In dentulous patient, shallow vestibule and inadequate attached gingiva may create a barrier in oral hygiene maintenance and gingival recession due to muscle traction. Aim: to present a clinical case of atrophid anterior mandibular ridge whereby performing modied kanzanjian transpositional ap technique, so we could successfully deliver the prosthesis. Methodology:A65yr old female reported with atrophied mandibular ridge to prosthodontics department for fabrication of complete denture and then was send to periodontics and oral surgery for vestibuloplasty. Technique selected for vestibuloplasty was modied kanzanjian transpositional ap technique with acrylic stent balanced with stainless steel screws which was done to increase the vestibular depth. Result: Clinically by comparing the vestibular depth pre-operatively and post operatively, it was found that it increases from 7mm to 19mm checked by using standard metal scale. Conclusion: Vestibuloplasty involves surgical procedure for reallocation of mucosa and muscle attachment thereby increasing the vestibular depth. This incase of edentulous patients aids prosthodontist to deliver complete denture and incases of dentulous patient it supports to improve oral hygiene because we are dealing with unfavorable environment rather than a pathologic condition. 

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Author Biographies

Dr Pooja Arora , Punjab Dental council

Associate Prof,

Department f Periodontology

Adesh Dental College

Bathinda, Punjab 

Dr Ritesh Gupta, Punjab Dental council

Prof & head, 

Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery

Adesh Dental College

Bathinda, Punjab 

Dr Deepak Arora , Punjab medical council

Prof & head

Department of Microbiology

GGS Medical College


Dr Shuchi Gupta, Punjab Dental council


Department of Prosthodontics

Adesh Dental College 

Bathinda, Punjab

Dr shinu singla, Punjab Dental council

Associate Prof

Department of Periodontology 

Adesh Dental College

Bathinda, Punjab